Maj. Gen.

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Maj. Gen.

abbreviation for
(Military) Major General
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References in periodicals archive ?
Maj Gen Bayingana has replaced Maj. Gen. Charles Karamba who was previously appointed Rwanda's ambassador to Tanzania.
In a decree issued on Sunday, Ayatollah Khamenei, who is also Commander-in-Chief of Iran's Armed Forces, praised Maj. Gen. Jafari's decade-long service in the post, and said, "Considering Maj.
BAGHDAD (NINA) - The gang that killed a retired Maj. Gen. and his wife in the northeastern district of Al-Qahera was arrested, the Interior Ministry said.
Tributes poured across social media in the UAE over the loss of Maj. Gen. Mohammad Hussain Singel, who died on Wednesday.
The ceremony was highlighted by the traditional turnover of command and symbol from the commander, Maj. Gen. Villanueva who is set to retire from the military service to the incoming Brig.
Maj. Gen. Fernando Trinidad, former deputy chief of staff for intelligence, assumed as the new 9th Infantry Division commander last Dec.
TAIF: The commander of the Royal Saudi Air Forces, Maj. Gen. Turki bin Bandar bin Abdul Aziz, stressed the depth of Saudi-British bilateral relations during a visit to King Fahd Air Base in Taif as part of a joint Saudi-UK Green Flag exercise.
Maj. Gen. Adeyemi Adetayo moves from Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (ASCON) to Department of Army Standard and Evaluation as Director, Procurement and Projects.
- Maj. Gen. Salah Abdel Gawwad, assistant minister for the training sector, - Maj.
Secretary-General Antonio Guterres announced Friday the appointment of Italian Maj. Gen. Stefano Del Col to succeed current UNIFIL commander Maj.
Acting Undersecretary of the Interior Ministry Maj. Gen. Mahmoud Al-Dosari KUWAIT, March 22 (KUNA) -- The first "Airport Carnival" which kicked off on Thursday at Kuwait International Airport aims at boosting cooperation among the facility staff and workers, said a senior official.