Macadam road

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Macadam road

A road surfaced according to the Macadam plan. That plan called for first spreading and rolling a three- or four-inch layer of coarse rocks of uniform size on a graded roadway and then covering it with a layer of finely crushed rock that was worked down into the interstices of the first layer.
1001 Words and Phrases You Never Knew You Didn’t Know by W.R. Runyan Copyright © 2011 by W.R. Runyan
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Even today the macadam road stops just north of Isiolo, normally considered the frontier town between north and south.
The study concluded that a graded earth road costs approximately $26,500 per mile per year to maintain while a macadam road (including initial construction) costs approximately $8,500 per mile per year.
The first bituminous macadam road in America is credited to Rhode Island.