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Related to Loxia: Loxia curvirostra, crossbill
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Noun1.Loxia - crossbillLoxia - crossbill        
bird genus - a genus of birds
family Fringillidae, Fringillidae - finches: goldfinches; bullfinches; chaffinches; siskins; canaries; cardinals; grosbeaks; crossbills; linnets; buntings
crossbill, Loxia curvirostra - finch with a bill whose tips cross when closed
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References in classic literature ?
I own no lord but Loxias; him I serve And ne'er can stand enrolled as Creon's man.
Roeddwn i'n medru clywed 'tsip-tsip-tsip' y gylfingroes (Loxia curvirostra; Crossbill) yn galw o'r pellter yn y coed ond fel arall, doedd 'na ddim smic.
Victor Cheang: ZEISS offers great lenses for every user and for every application: from really compact and lightweight lenses (ZEISS Loxia on Sony E-Mount cameras) up to big lenses for Hollywood productions --lenses with a special look (ZEISS Master Anamorphics), lenses with B4 mount (ZEISS Digiprimes), and so on.
Some birds live in coniferous forests: dwarf owl (Glaucidium passerinum), titmouse, and mixed forests of beech: scissors (Loxia curvivostrata), chaffinch (Fringila coelebis) and blackbird (Turdus Meru).
The ten species that contributed most to the drastic declines of the multispecies indices in 1994-1996 and 2007-2010 ranked by the strength of the impact 1994-1996 2007-2010 2007-2010 Farmland Farmland Woodland Sylvia nisoria Tringa totanus Parus palustris Numenius arquata Motacilla flava Loxia curvirostra Anthus pratensis Oenanthe oenanthe Sitta europaea Jynx torquilla Crex crex Dryocopus martius Passer montanus Passer montanus Parus cristatus Oenanthe oenanthe Motacilla alba Dendrocopos major Corvus monedula Columba palumbus Oriolus oriolus Vanellus vanellus Delichon urbicum Dendrocopos minor Carduelis chloris Locustella naevia Nucifraga caryocatactes Crex crex Acrocephalus Parus montanus schoenobaenus
(1957) reported the red crossbill (Loxia curvirostra) in Mexico from northern Baja California, Sinaloa, Nayarit, Jalisco, Michoacan, Guerrero, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Durango, Queretaro, Mexico, Distrito Federal, Morelos, San Luis Potosi, Puebla, Tamaulipas, and Veracruz.
leucophrys Sturnella neglecta 4 Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus Loxia curvirostra 5 Carduelis (Spinus) pinus 1 unidentified raptoral bird bones 160 196 unidentified passerine bones total of identified bones.
This part is illustrated with numerous case studies, some of them can be considered convincing demonstrations of the coevolutionary process, such as the interaction of crossbills (Loxia curvirostra L.) and pine cones (Pinus contorta Dougl.
purpureus (Gmelin), purple I O finch Coccothraustes vespertinus I R (Cooper), evening grosbeak Fringilla montifringilla Linnaeus, I R brambling Loxia curvirostra Linnaeus, red N R crossbill L.
Benkman (1996) showed that variation in the rate of mandible crossing direction in Crossbills (Loxia spp.) was a result of frequency-dependent selection.
The fauna of these forests consists of small animals, such as hares (Lepus), voles (subfamily Microtinae), and many species that eat conifer seeds, such as squirrels (family Sciuridae) and crossbills (Loxia).
Benkman (1993) has shown that the diversity of Red Crossbills (Loxia spp.) in northwestern North America can be exp lained by their differential abilities to utilize various conifer species as resources.