Loretta Young

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Related to Loretta Young: Spencer Tracy, Gary Cooper, Clark Gable
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Noun1.Loretta Young - United States film and television actress (1913-2000)Loretta Young - United States film and television actress (1913-2000)
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Like most little girls, I believed nothing less than a Prince could make my dreams come true." - Loretta Young, actress.
TVS 40- 1950's covers shows from the first full decade on television, including Medic, Four Star Theater, Loretta Young, Pinky Lee, Red Skelton, Make Room For Daddy, Sky King, Jack Benny, Superman, and Queen For a Day.
His new duties also strain the relationship with his wife, Julia (Loretta Young), and so Henry prays that all his problems will be solved.
Brougham is attempting to get a new cathedral constructed, to the detriment of his marriage to Julia (Loretta Young).
Scarlett Johansson's DeAnna Moran is an Esther Williams-esque swimming superstar, with a Brooklyn accent to beat the best, and a pregnancy pickle to rival Loretta Young's.
I could only think of one woman who could skate between exchanges between Spencer Tracy and Loretta Young, or David Niven and Clark Gable, and bring a poor nun in a halfway house to life.
The film chosen to mark the occasion was fittingly A Night to Remember, which starred amongst the cast Birminghamborn Brian Aherne alongside Loretta Young and Jeff Connell.
He was working on a film set with the very prissy and Catholic actress Loretta Young, who would famously not allow any bad language within her earshot.
Henry has become obsessed with raising funds to build a cathedral, to the detriment of his family life, and his relationships with wife Julia (Loretta Young) and their young daughter are strained.
When he moved to America his career took off and at one time he was Paramount Pictures' highest paid actor, co-starring alongside many of the top actresses of the time including Gene Tierney, Grace Kelly, Lana Turner, Marlene Dietrich, Ginger Rogers, Jane Wyman, Loretta Young and Veronica Lake.
The Gone with the Wind star forced himself on Loretta Young on a train in 1935, it is alleged.