Lord Provost

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Lord Provost

(Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the provost of one of the five major Scottish cities (Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Dundee, and Perth)
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"The rabble by shouting and noise having increased their numbers to several thousands, they began with Sir Patrick Johnston, who was one of the treaters, and the year before had been Lord Provost. First they assaulted his lodging with stones and sticks, and curses not a few.
But they would not stir without the Lord Provost's order.
When my Lord Commissioner being informed, there were a thousand of the seamen and rabble come up from Leith; and apprehending if it were suffered to go on, it might come to a dangerous head, and be out of his power to suppress, he sent for the Lord Provost, and demanded that the guards should march into the city.
"The Lord Provost, after some difficulty, yielded; though it was alleged, that it was what never was known in Edinburgh before.
The mild evening proved kind to the concert-goers, including Edinburgh Lord Provost Eric Milligan.
DUNDEE's Lord Provost has claimed he was offered an OBE in return for stepping down.
A CHARITY radio station for sick kids will take to the streets tomorrow as it takes pride of place in a Lord Provost's procession.
TORY leader William Hague has sent a begging letter to the Labour Lord Provost of Glasgow.
Labour's Lord Provost, John Letford, 74, has dramatically quit the party and said he would side with the Nats when they bid to take over the city on Monday.
The Glasgow Police Museum, on St Andrews Square, was officially opened yesterday by Strathclyde's Chief Constable Willie Rae and Lord Provost Alex Mosson.
And the Glasgow Lord Provost doesn't know where on earth they could have stemmed from.
Glasgow's Lord Provost is granted a pounds 5000 per year clothing allowance, while 16 Bailies can spend pounds 150 each per year.