Loaded dice

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It really came down to the throw of a dice -- and a seriously loaded dice at that.
It really came down to the throw of a dice - and a seriously loaded dice at that.
If you get a six over and over again you start to think, 'This is not normal, somebody has given me a loaded dice'."
He has been sentenced by a court of law while his party is free to take part in the elections albeit in a peculiar dispensation where the establishment is widely seen to be playing with a loaded dice. Nawaz Sharif has no option but to return to the country whatever it takes and fight both a legal and a political battle to survive as a political leader.
If I'd been born a hundred years ago I wouldn't be a citizen yet because, well, you know, that's the way it is when you play Manifest Destiny with loaded dice. So why are we grumbling?
Annabel Daou's unfolded dice in "Unloaded" refer to the possibility of breaking open a rigged system, where one has to play with loaded dice.
"Think how that played on the mind of those who, after returning from a raid deep into Germany, noted the empty places at the breakfast table where their friends ate the morning before but shutting their minds to it, could go out, sing songs around a piano, all the time knowing that they then had the next night to switch from relative normality and roll the dice - the loaded dice - once more.
"ItA[sup.3]s like a game with loaded dice," said Coumou.
The student-run Loaded Dice New Music Ensemble will perform at 8 p.m.
Only the demented, desperate, or those who believe mistakenly that innocent until proven guilty means something, roll the loaded dice facing those odds.