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Related to Lith: kith


var. of litho-: lithops.


a combining form meaning “stone” (megalith), “stone tool” ( microlith), “mass of rock” (batholith; laccolith), “calcareous concretion, calculus” ( otolith; urolith).Compare -lite.
[see litho-]


or Lith,

1. Lithuania.
2. Lithuanian.


1. lithograph.
2. lithographic.
3. lithography.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
The little lith e man, with his bright, restless eyes, and his long iron-gray hair falling in curls to his shoulders, his airy step and his cordial manner; his uncertain age, his innumerable accomplishments, and his unbounded popularity--is he not familiar everywhere, and welcome everywhere?
The structural integrity of a healthy lith can be clearly seen, and so too the negative impact of acidification (and increased temperature) in a poorly formed lith of an unhealthy coccolithophore.
As a result of this rigid point of view, and the mission's overbearing attitude towards Sadrach and other prominent Javanese Christians, Protestantism lost much of its appeal and most of its members, including the above-mentioned Dawud Tadikromo (Van Lith 1930:256, 258).
CHADDERTON 4 LITH REMYCA 4 A MEMORABLE match at Chadderton saw Litherland REMYCA and the hosts share eight goals and the points.
Pieter Van Der Lith: "Everyone has their own opinion.
(OTCQB: LITH) has entered into a letter of intent to purchase blockchain based technology assets from Czech Republic software developer Bank Call s.r.o., the company said.
Lith product of the week Lithofin KF Mildew-Away This will remove the black spots and other organic discolouration in bathrooms, including on silicone and grout.
Peter Wal Athiu is the new deputy governor while Ayom Mach Jok and Suzan Lith Aluong were appointed finance and education ministries respectively.
4 position in P&Y's typical rankings is the 11-pointer Curt Van Lith took in 1986.
Dating to a period between 1877 and 1879, this chromolithograph was produced by White & Bradley, Lith., Buffalo and Chicago, for Gammon, Deering & Stewart Mfg.