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(Biography) R(onald) D(avid). 1927–89, Scottish psychiatrist; his best known books include The Divided Self (1960), The Politics of Experience and the Bird of Paradise (1967), and Knots (1970)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



R(onald) D(avid), 1927–89, British psychiatrist.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Samuel Laing says that "the Laplander in his skin dress, and in a skin bag which he puts over his head and shoulders, will sleep night after night on the snow ...
* and has been reprinted by Mr David Laing, Edinburgh.
BLYTH Spartans have been given a big boost with the news that defender Louis Laing has returned to the club.
UK construction contractor Laing O'Rourke announced it has agreed refinancing terms for its business for the next three years.
Brian Laing was jailed for more than three years for storming Edward Conseelan's store in Paisley's Ferguslie Park.
SOFTWARE giant Sage's UK leader Alan Laing has left the firm just a year after his appointment, it has emerged.
21 May 2018 - UK-based infrastructure investment company John Laing (LSE: JLIF) has closed the sale of 15% shareholding in Intercity Express Programme Phase 1 project, the group said.
M2 EQUITYBITES-May 21, 2018-John Laing Group Closes Sale of 15% Shareholding in Intercity Express Programme Phase 1 Project
Christopher Scott Laing SCHAUMBURG - Christopher Scott Laing, Age 48.
Commvault, a global leader in enterprise backup, recovery, archive and the cloud, revealed that Laing O'Rourke, an international engineering enterprise, has implemented the Commvault Data Platform.
Commvault ,a global leader in enterprise backup, recovery, archive and the cloud, today announced that Laing O'Rourke, an international engineering enterprise, has implemented the Commvault Data Platform to centralize and take control of its data management in Europe through the scalable and secure solution.