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The team also raised funds for the Global Kiter Foundation, a nonprofit organization that helps people with disabilities get into kiting on land and water, while improving environmental awareness.
Mike said: "It was a shame it had to end like that because Sean was probably the best kiter of us all and we had done the hardest part.
The equipment's never been available for a disabled snow kiter before.
a check kiter with a long institutional history of violence will wind up
"In October, we were kiteboarding at Maui's Kite Beach when myself and some friends noticed another kiter moving strangely in the water, " says Ovcharov.
Aydin A, Kiter G, Durak H, Ucan ES, Kaya GC, Ceylan E.
The contrast of the intense blues of the ocean with the rich rusts and ochres of the sand and the vivid reds, browns and purples of the distant mountains are a visual feast no kiter soon forgets, even more so with ones' senses heightened by carving through the blue lagoons powered only by the wind.