John Thomas

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John Thomas

a jocular word for penis
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References in classic literature ?
In which set of chambers, never having troubled his head about the inscription, unless to bethink himself at odd times on glancing up at it, that haply it might mean Perhaps John Thomas, or Perhaps Joe Tyler, sat Mr.
J Thomas, 19, warmer, of 44, Adeline Street | Fred Algar, 27, holder-up, of Corporation Road | Walter Roots, 33, labourer, of 99, Broadway | John Thomas Morris, 29, riveter, of 14, Alexander Street | Thomas Powell, 31, warmer, of 14, Romily Crescent | Harry Palgrave, 31, riveter, of 159, Clare Road | David Thomas, 17, warmer, of 11, Llanmaes Street | Archie Lewis, 18, warmer, of 52, Redlaver Street | Frederick J Haggerty, 20, warmer, of 15, Cambridge Street | David John Creek, 23, fitter, of 32, Major Road, Canton
Darganfuwyd corff John Thomas gan achubwyr ac fe'i gludwyd i'r wyneb ac o'r fan honno i'r orsaf ar gyfer y tren yn ol i Drawsfynydd.
Pte John Thomas Attenborough is one of the 371 British Servicemen who died on active service during the four-year Cyprus Emergency, from April 1 1955 to April 18, 1959.
As technological advances made their way into the jewelry industry, John Thomas started to incorporate the use of industry-related technology to deliver the very best products and prices to his customers.
Martha and Naomi Marsden were relatives of Isaac Marsden, whose father William founded the textile business at Skelmanthorpe's Greenside Mills, later carried on by William's son-in-law, Richard Field, the great-uncle of John Thomas Field.
Their show of unity was at the John Thomas Dye School in Los Angeles just days before the news that their 10-year marriage was over appeared on Gwyneth's website Goop on Tuesday.
McCoy said: "It's very hard to be happy on a day like today with what happened to John Thomas McNamara and on this day last year Campbell Gillies won this race.
He is survived by a daughter Jeanne Etheredge and her husband Bo, a son Steve Davis and his wife Anna; a granddaughter, Rachael Pierce and her husband Tommy; and two great grandchildren, Holley and John Thomas Pierce, all of Alabama.
17 July 2012 - John Thomas Financial Inc and John Carris Investments LLC have served as co-placement agents for the private placement of preferred shares and warrants by Fibrocell Science Inc (OTCBB:FCSC), the US autologous cellular therapeutic company said on Monday after the close of the transaction.