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Of, relating to, or characteristic of Thomas Jefferson or his political attitudes and theories.
A follower of Thomas Jefferson or a proponent of his politics.

Jef′fer·so′ni·an·ism n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


the political theories, doctrines, or policies of Thomas Jefferson, especially rigid interpretation of the U.S. Constitution, belief in an agrarian economy, states’ rights, and in the political acumen of the ordinary citizen. — Jeffersonian, adj.
See also: Politics
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Marius Bewley takes this statement as an explicit expression of "the purest and extremest Jeffersonianism," which is founded upon the principle that "the earth belongs to the living" (443).
Parrington, "The Heritage of Jeffersonianism," in Main Currents in American Thought, vol.
Gray and Emma Macleod, by contrast, both emphasize Paine's essential compatibility with "Jeffersonianism" in terms of geopolitical and commercial vision as well as in the creation of a workable republican order dedicated to universal male franchise, religious toleration, and westward expansion.
The widespread phenomenon of taking Madison's word for things underlies new books on the Early Republic, constitutionalism, Jeffersonianism, and Madison appearing on a regular basis.
IN CONSIDERING THE AMERICAN SITUATION, Kirk was willing to embrace the spirit of Jeffersonianism" as a brake on creeping centralization and bureaucratic complexity.
Jackson's overwhelming victories against Indians in the South and the British at New Orleans allowed Americans to reimagine a failed war as a victory for their honor and injected hubris into Jeffersonianism. In the postwar era, Jackson dominated American public life and brought his militant personality to bear on American public discourse, where "enemies faced either complete annihilation or capitulation" (p.
At a time when Jeffersonianism was already starting to lose its grip on the public mind, Taylor writes, "Bryan's concern for the common people--many of whom were relatively poor--did not include using the federal government to solve their poverty problems.
He envisioned a commonwealth in which working people would receive their fair share of the nation's resources, and Guthrie did not seem to care whether the means for achieving this community came through communism, Christian socialism, populism, Jeffersonianism, or traditional American radicalism.
(71) Tucker became a vocal spokesman for Jeffersonianism and an outspoken critic of Federalist constitutional theory.