Jacques Derrida

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Noun1.Jacques Derrida - French philosopher and critic (born in Algeria); exponent of deconstructionism (1930-2004)
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Drawing on literary theorists such as Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault, and Jacques Derrida, she applies her theory to a range of hoaxes in French, British, and Australian literature, thereby providing a detailed typology of hoaxes.
While Michael Werner discusses many people leading up to postmodernism in "Threads of Humanist History" (Humanism 101, J/A 2018), he gives short shrift to postmodernism itself, calling it "an extreme form of subjectivism and cynicism." He neglects to mention: 1) the incredulity towards modernist narratives of personal and societal emancipation (Jean Francois Lyotard); 2) the cultural moment of multinational capitalism (Fredric Jameson); 3) the deconstruction of binary oppositions (Jacques Derrida); and 4) the real being replaced by signs of the real (Jean Baudrillard).
Jacques Derrida (1967), La escritura y la diferencia (trad.
In their argument they draw on the theoretical work of Henri Bergson, Gilles Deleuze, and Jacques Derrida, posing them as complemetary figures.
Esse artigo procura estabelecer uma relacao exploratoria sobre as possibilidades de dialogo entre as nocoes de singularidade/identidade e de poder/autoridade em duas importantes perspectivas teoricas do final do Seculo XX: a filosofia desconstrutivista de Jacques Derrida e o construtivismo radical da teoria dos sistemas sociais autopoieticos de Niklas Luhmann.
Jacques Derrida has always been concerned with ethics as the responsibility we bear to recognize the difference of the 'other' and attempted to clarify it throughout most of his main discussions.
Politics of Deconstruction: A New Introduction to Jacques Derrida Susanne Ludemann (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich) Translated by Erik Butler Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2014, 157 pp.
DeArmitt takes up French philosopher Jacques Derrida's (1930-2004) challenge to radically rethink the concept of narcissism, and begins the work of rehabilitating the notion of narcissism by patiently re-examining the terms and figures that have been associated with it.
Parmi les oeuvres exposees dans les cimaises de la galerie Saint-Ravy, en plein coeur historique de Montpellier, figure, en bonne place, l'affiche de la 28e edition de la Comedie du Livre, par laquelle le plasticien rend hommage a sept lettres de l'Algerie eternelle: Augustin, Ibn Khaldoun, l'Emir Abdelkader, Jacques Bercque, Albert Camus, Jacques Derrida et Mohammed Dib.
No comeco da setima perifrase da Circonfissao de Jacques Derrida, texto escrito de janeiro de 1989 a abril de 1990, durante periodo que o autor ja acreditava ser a agonia de sua mae, encontra-se a seguinte confidencia: "entre outros remorsos relacionados a minha mae, sinto-me culpadissimo por publicar o seu fim, por exibir seus ultimos suspiros e pior ainda, com finalidades que alguns poderiam julgar literarias".
The Beast and the Sovereign is a collection of last seminars in two volumes given by Jacques Derrida from 2001-2003 on the relation between animality and sovereignty.