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Related to Indocin: gout, Indocin PDA
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Noun1.Indocin - a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (trade name Indocin)
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, NSAID - an anti-inflammatory drug that does not contain steroids; "NSAIDs inhibit the activity of both Cox-1 and Cox-2 enzymes"
acetic acid, ethanoic acid - a colorless pungent liquid widely used in manufacturing plastics and pharmaceuticals
brand, brand name, marque, trade name - a name given to a product or service
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References in periodicals archive ?
Pursuant to the agreement, Egalet will acquire three FDA-approved low-dose SoluMatrix non-steroidal anti-inflammatory products, Vivlodex, Tivorbex, and Zorvolex, as well as Indocin oral suspension and suppositories or capsules and SoluMatrix naproxen, a phase 2 product candidate, from Iroko.
Among the drugs used to treat acute attacks are colchicine (trade name Colcrys), Indocin, Naprosyn, and Kineret.
Amitriptyline * Elavil Botulinum toxin A * Botox Celecoxib * Celebrex Desipramine- Norpramin Desvenlafaxine * Pristiq Duloxetine * Cymbalta Gabapentin * Neurontin Indomethacin * Indocin Ketorolac * Toradol Milnacipran * Savella Nortriptyline * Pamelor Pregabalin * Lyrica Venlafaxine * Effexor
* Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): These include common over-the-counter options, such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB) and naproxen sodium (Aleve), as well as prescription NSAIDs like indomethacin (Indocin) or celecoxib (Celebrex).
A recent meta-analysis concluded that both CPAP and BiPAP are equally effective with similar adverse effects profile in the management of cardiogenic pulmonary edema.[sup][10] There are reports of successful use of CPAP in the management of RPE.[sup][11],[12] Some authors have reported using prostaglandin analog misoprostil and ibuprofen or indocin suppositories in RPE for their cytoprotective or anti-inflammatory actions.[sup][13] Contralateral decubitus positioning of the patient seems to be a reasonable step that may help in reducing the progression of edema and improving the intrapulmonary shunt.
(229) Lundbeck bought the rights to the first drug, Indocin IV, from Merck in 2005 and the rights to the second drug, NeoProfen, from Abbott Laboratories in 2006.
Lundbeck, (12) in which the courts rejected a challenge to a transaction combining Indocin IV and NeoProfen, the only drugs treating patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), a life-threatening condition affecting some premature infants.
Other important products acquired in the acquisition are NeoProfen (ibuprofen lysine injection) and Indocin IV (indomethacin injection), which is indicated to close a clinically significant patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in premature infants, and Cosmegen (dactinomycin for injection), used mainly in the treatment of three rare cancers.
Up-Regulated Agents that Gene Down-regulate Gene Product Supplements Prescription Medications COX-2 EGCG (33), (34) Celebrex[R] (33), (44) curcumin (35-37) fish Indocin (44), (45) oil (38), (39) rosemary diclofenac (45) compounds (48), (49) FAS EGCG (46) GLA (47) Alli[R] (Xenical[R]) Vitamin D (48), (49) (50-52) HSP-2 Quercetin (53) DHA Celebrex[R] (54) (54) Ritonavir[R] (55) 17-AAG (56) VEGF-R methlselenol (57) Avastin[R] (62) curcumin (58) silibinin Tetracycline (63) ADT (59) indole-3-carbinol (64), (65) (60) EGCG (61) aminobisphosphonates (66) TABLE 3: Applying the Patient's Tumor Biology to Individualize Treatment.
NSAIDs Include: Tricosal, Arthropan, celebrex, Voltaren, Indocin, etodolac, Ibuprofen, Ponstel, Relafen, Sodium salicylate
Medications Associated with Changes in Urine Color Color of urine Medications red senna (Ex-Lax), chlorpromazine (Thorazine), thioridazine (Mellaril) orange rifampin (Rifadin), warfarin (Coumadin), phenazopyridine (Pyridium) blue or green amitriptyline (generic), indomethacin (Indocin), cimetidine (Tagamet), promethazine (Phenergan) dark brown or tea-colored chloroquine (Aralen), primaquine (generic), metronidazole (Flagyl), nitrofurantoin (Furadantin)