
Also found in: Legal.
Related to Imprescriptibility: Cautioner, Strictissimi juris


n.1.The quality of being imprescriptible.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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He called for encouraging the creation of heritage protection associations and for applying the notion of imprescriptibility of crimes of violation of archaeological sites as in the case of war crimes.
John Simmons describes human rights as 'those natural rights that are innate and that cannot be lost that is, they cannot be given away, forfeited, or taken away.' Thus, human rights, will have the properties of universality, independence (from social or legal recognition), naturalness, inalienability, nonforfeitability, and imprescriptibility. John Tasioulas is also of the opinion that 'human rights are moral standards-moral rights possessed by all human beings simply in virtue of their humanity-that may perform a plurality of political functions, but that none of these functions is definitive of their nature as human rights.' Human rights are therefore grounded in considerations that apply to all human beings regardless of their location, social and political relationships.
h) The principle of imprescriptibility according to which the right to pension is not prescribed;
Although the prescriptions and the doctrine of the Ancien Regime give no precision about the affiliations of the furniture to the Crown domain, the civil court judge of Blois noted in 1800 that "it has never been doubtful, in the former French monarchy, that the principles of inalienability and imprescriptibility of the Crown's domain applied to chattels and to the land; that if the former prescriptions, especially that of 1556, concern only land, one cannot conclude that chatties are affected by inalienability and imprescriptibility".
The most recent finding said that the imprescriptibility of that type of crime-- something which its ruling show, the Uruguayan SCJ does not accept--is one of the only ways that international society has to not let the most atrocious crimes committed in the past go unpunished, which offends the conscience of all humanity and are transmitted from one generation to the next.
Beyond these, the doctrine also recognized its imprescriptibility and its nature of being anabsolute right, therefore considered to be erga omnes--generating a liability by which all other persons must abstain themselves from injuring, or from representing any injure threat, to any of the rights of personality, in the terms of the legal system in force.