Horse boat

a boat for conveying horses and cattle, or a boat propelled by horses.

See also: Horse

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Great Bridge around 1965 with a horse boat taking a break at the bottom of the Ryder's Green locks.
Now the song is available on CD as a single - as part of fundraising efforts for the Horse Boat Society, a group dedicated to preserving the heritage of the horse-drawn canal boats which were once a familiar sight along the Huddersfield Narrow Canal.
"In this day and age there can be few better ways to relax and unwind than to travel on a horse boat and watch the world, wildlife and countryside pass slowly by.
There is also reference to a "horse boat", around this time, although most were for passenger traffic.
Even if a terrorist succeeded in getting a Trojan horse boat in and detonated a bomb, the damage would likely not be devastating.
Horse boat 'Captain' Sue Day, said this was not the first time she had traversed the Pennines in a non-motorised boat.
There is also reference to a 'horse boat' around this time, although most were for passenger traffic.
"I also manage the rotas for the horse boats and the 15 handlers of our charismatic heavy horses; Stan, Geordie, Tog and Taff - it never stops."