
a.1.Skillful; dexterous; clever.
2.Friendly; civil; gentle; kind.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Pepe, record effort j better ADRIAN Hende Pierr hooked an ope interce But, openin blown By th Lucas home from ti side w easing throug Klop ute d he time substitute Torreira fired five minutes ime, the home were already g back down gh the gears.
Although the Miller introduces Nicholas as being "hende," i.e., courteous (although the word has multiple meanings and can be read as a play on words), (20) it is unclear what his societal origins actually are.
They love it a more than t paying or o Hende thXwl an awful lot the public, otherwise.
mange med hende har spurt sig selv senere i livet naar de stod overfor vanskelige avgjorelser: 'Hvad vilde Nikka gjore?' 'Hvad vilde Nikka raad til?' " Marie Hogh and Frederikke Morke, Norske kvinder, en oversigt over deres stilling og livsvilkaar i hundredeaaret 1814-1914 (Kristiania: Berg & Hogh, 1914), 182.
Lode Van Den Hende, a partner with Herbert Smith Freehills in Brussels, said it was hard to see how the customs partnership model could work without OLAF or a similar body policing the UK's monitoring of imports destined for the EU.
Van den Hende and Schoormans (2012) suggest that consumers immerse themselves in the narrative, and in the process "have vivid images in their mind, see themselves in the scene of the action, experience emotions" (p.
Anabella Ja, da diess gemahlt ist; dan die Hende scheinen gahr zu durre.
It provides the children with a new experience and gives them a chance to explore beyond their classrooms," said Ben van den Hende, corporate vice president, supply chain, beauty care, Henkel Asia-Pacific.
And hende Nicholas and Alisoun Acorded been to this conclusioun, That Nicholas shal shapen hym a wyle And this sely jalous housbounde to bigyle.
Benson (Oxford: OUP, 2008), when Alisoun offers her suitor Absolon a kiss while in bed with her lover "hende Nicholas": "And at the window out she putte hir hole, / And Absolon, hym fil no bet ne wcrs, / But with his mouth he kiste her naked crs (3733-735).
Hungary's defense minister, Hende Csaba, resigned because the armed forces were being too slow in building a border fence to keep out refugees and migrants.