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(German ˈhainkəl)
(Biography) Ernst Heinrich (ɛrnst ˈhainrɪç). 1888–1958, German aircraft designer. His company provided many military aircraft in World Wars I and II, including the first jet-powered plane
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References in periodicals archive ?
Musical director was Eric Lloyd Williams who taught at Ysgol Glanymor in Pwllheli' Smoke drifts from the charred remains of the amusement centre at Butlins in Pwllheli on August 8, 1973 after a blaze caused damage estimated at pounds 1m' A bystander admires the sea cadets' training ship Garibaldi in Pwllheli harbour on May 30, 1952' With pilot officer Ashcroft (left) looking on, this wartime photograph shows a German bomber Heinkel 111 which was shot down en route to targets in Birmingham (see Page One).
In the smoke-filled skies above the South of England on July 12, 1940, the South African seven-time ace helped shoot down a German Heinkel from the cockpit of this same green fighter plane.
For information about either meeting, contact Carol Heinkel at 682-4107.
Mark Jardine, as the evil Heinkel, similarly managed to pull off a rather convincing baddie, commanding plenty of boos and hisses from the audience.
IA scrap of silk that surfaced on the BBC's Antiques Roadshow came from the parachute of the only survivor of a Heinkel He 111 bomber downed on the outskirts of Birmingham.
During the Battle of Britain, in 1940, he shot down the first of his eight kills, a Heinkel He111.
The Gazette knows of several German aircraft shot down by the RAF in the war, including a Messerschmitt 110 at Marske and a Heinkel 111 bomber just outside Whitby.
The Heinkel HE-III bomber was part of a large formation that attacked Birmingham on the night of May 10, 1941.
Julian Evan-Hart, 48, was a teenager when he found out a German Heinkel He 177 bomber had crashed into a field near his village.
One Hurricane pilot got two Heinkel Ill's while on a single patrol which lasted little more than an hour.
In the war he served with an anti-aircraft battery but, much to his chagrin, was on leave when his comrades shot down a Heinkel.
It was not afforded to George Forrester, 26, from Newcastle, who was on only his second combat outing when his Hurricane collided with a Heinkel bomber.