Harley Street

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Harley Street

(Placename) a street in central London famous for its large number of medical specialists' consulting rooms
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Noun1.Harley Street - a street in central London where the consulting rooms of many physicians and surgeons are located
British capital, capital of the United Kingdom, Greater London, London - the capital and largest city of England; located on the Thames in southeastern England; financial and industrial and cultural center
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References in classic literature ?
The Dashwoods were so prodigiously delighted with the Middletons, that, though not much in the habit of giving anything, they determined to give them-- a dinner; and soon after their acquaintance began, invited them to dine in Harley Street, where they had taken a very good house for three months.
They were relieved however, not by her own recollection, but by the good will of Lucy, who believed herself to be inflicting a severe disappointment when she told her that Edward certainly would not be in Harley Street on Tuesday, and even hoped to be carrying the pain still farther by persuading her that he was kept away by the extreme affection for herself, which he could not conceal when they were together.
'Now, Amy,' said her sister, 'come with me, if you are not too tired to walk to Harley Street, Cavendish Square.'
The air with which she threw off this distinguished address and the toss she gave to her new bonnet (which was more gauzy than serviceable), made her sister wonder; however, she expressed her readiness to go to Harley Street, and thither they directed their steps.
They came down-stairs with powder before them and powder behind, the elder sister haughty and the younger sister humbled, and were shut out into unpowdered Harley Street, Cavendish Square.
In the morning I took a four-wheel cab and drove straight to Harley Street; and, upon my soul, as I stood on the specialist's door-step, I could have sworn I saw the occupant of the room next mine dash by me in a hansom!
One or two are marked out as exceptionally brilliant: they will take the various prizes and scholarships which are open each year to the deserving, get one appointment after another at the hospital, go on the staff, take a consulting-room in Harley Street, and, specialising in one subject or another, become prosperous, eminent, and titled.
No wonder that that idiot of a man in Harley Street talked to me gravely about my heart.
This person proved, on her presenting herself, for judgment, at a house in Harley Street, that impressed her as vast and imposing--this prospective patron proved a gentleman, a bachelor in the prime of life, such a figure as had never risen, save in a dream or an old novel, before a fluttered, anxious girl out of a Hampshire vicarage.
Originating in the famous Harley Street area of London, ROC first opened an office in Aberdeen in 2014.
RAWALPINDI -- The worst condition of several roads in Harley Street, Peoples Colony, Dhoke Syedan, Tahli Mohri, Bakra Mandi and Kiani Road areas needs immediate attention of the
KARACHI -- Begum Kulsoom Nawaz, the wife of former prime minister and Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) supremo Nawaz Sharif, on Tuesday passed away at London's Harley Street Clinic after a prolonged battle with cancer.

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