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(gĭj or gēj)
n.1.See Gige.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
(31) Wang Cong, "Renda diaobiao huhu yigao guige jinian kangzhang shenli 60 zhounian" (NPC Representative Calls for Greater Official Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of War Victory) Beijing Qingnian Bao (Beijing Youth News), 8 Mar.
Ding Guige, the deputy chief of the Chinese Northern Fleet, during pier-side remarks.
al., 1996; AWDB, 1993; Eve and Guige, 1989) and Kutai National Park (AWDB, 1993), both in eastern Kalimantan.
(19) Yvain, lines 826-27: 'les guiges des escuz colpees | et les escuz dehachiez toz.'