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(Astronomy) a large crater in the SE quadrant of the moon, about 190 km in diameter, which is conspicuous because of its dark floor
[named after Francesco Maria Grimaldi (1618–63), Italian physicist]


(Biography) Joseph. 1779–1837, English actor, noted as a clown in pantomime
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References in classic literature ?
As yet it has only been recognized in the depths of the circle of Endymion, to the east of the "Cold Sea," in the northern hemisphere, and at the bottom of Grimaldi's circle, on the equator, toward the eastern border of the orb.
I can visualize the entire scene--the apelike Grimaldi men huddled in their filthy caves; the huge pterodactyls soaring through the heavy air upon their bat-like wings; the mighty dinosaurs moving their clumsy hulks beneath the dark shadows of preglacial forests--the dragons which we considered myths until science taught us that they were the true recollections of the first man, handed down through countless ages by word of mouth from father to son out of the unrecorded dawn of humanity."
Mrs Jarley was not slow to express her admiration at this happy result, and carried her young friend and pupil to inspect the remaining arrangements within doors, by virtue of which the passage had been already converted into a grove of green-baize hung with the inscription she had already seen (Mr Slum's productions), and a highly ornamented table placed at the upper end for Mrs Jarley herself, at which she was to preside and take the money, in company with his Majesty King George the Third, Mr Grimaldi as clown, Mary Queen of Scots, an anonymous gentleman of the Quaker persuasion, and Mr Pitt holding in his hand a correct model of the bill for the imposition of the window duty.
I should say that they were a little higher in the scale of evolution than Ahm, possibly occupying a place of evolution between that of the Neanderthal man and what is known as the Grimaldi race.
The walls were wainscoted half-way up, the wainscot being covered with green baize, the remainder with a bright- patterned paper, on which hung three or four prints of dogs' heads; Grimaldi winning the Aylesbury steeple-chase; Amy Robsart, the reigning Waverley beauty of the day; and Tom Crib, in a posture of defence, which did no credit to the science of that hero, if truly represented.
TELECOMWORLDWIRE-7 October 2008-Seanet Maritime Communications AB receives GSM contract from Grimaldi Lines(C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
NORDIC BUSINESS REPORT-7 October 2008-Seanet Maritime Communications AB receives GSM contract from Grimaldi Lines(C)1994-2008 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD
Directed by Antonello Grimaldi. Screenplay, Nanni Moretti, Laura Paolucci, Francesco Piccolo, based on the novel by Sandro Veronesi.
SPORTELMonaco, the international sports convention for television and new media executives, which was held at Monaco's Grimaldi Forum and ended October 18, played host to the biggest names in international sports programming distributors, including the National Football League, NASCAR, the National Basketball Association, Major League Baseball, ESPN and the PGA Tour, as well as European bigwigs Eurosport, the International Softball Federation and RAI Trade.