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(Biography) George Bellas. 1778–1855, English geologist, founder of the Geological Society of London
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈgri noʊ)

Horatio, 1805–52, U.S. sculptor.
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References in classic literature ?
Greenough's large statue of Washington has been lately placed.
Would the truant eyes of Alston or Greenough turn, but for a time, from their gaze at the models of antiquity, to contemplate this wronged and humbled people, little would be left for such inferior artists as ourselves to delineate.
Head Teacher of the Year Sponsored by: WINNER: Tracey Greenough - The Academy of St Francis of Assisi Winner Tracey Greenough and award presenter Adam Thomas, Excell Supply FINALISTS ?
Shropshire businessman Christopher Greenough is celebrating a special milestone this month.
Emma Greenough, marketing and publicity officer at The Welcome Centre, said: "We are a people organisation and so it feels fitting that we support the Volunteers' Lunch recognising and celebrating all the hard work the volunteers have done over the last 12 months."
Our interview is with Shaun Greenough, the Case Strategy and Mentor Supervisor at The Unity Initiative (TUI), a specialist intervention consultancy based in the United Kingdom that focuses on rehabilitating individuals convicted of terrorist offenses and tackling absolutist mindsets in the wider community.
Senior special adviser Matt Greenough was one of three people who gave evidence alongside Mr Sargeant's private secretary Imelda Francombe and her boss Peter Greening.
Senior special adviser Matt Greenough was one of three people who gave evidence yesterday alongside Mr Sargeant's private secretary Imelda Francombe and her boss Peter Greening.
Senior special adviser Matt Greenough told North Wales coroner (East and Central) John Gittins he first became aware of allegations against Mr Sargeant in the summer of 2016.
Coroner: "Was the First Minister's decision a direct result of having the written complaint?" Mr Greenough: "Yes." The following day, on Thursday November 2, a written statement from the earlier alleged victim from the summer of 2016 - Miss C - was also received.
2, during a drive along Red River, New Mexico, following a trail that Jerry Greenough, 63, traditionally took during his many "guy" trips in the past with his son-in-law, Tony Kerley.