Good breeding

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politeness; genteel deportment.

See also: Breeding

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
In the former case, it is well known that the entertainer provides what fare he pleases; and though this should be very indifferent, and utterly disagreeable to the taste of his company, they must not find any fault; nay, on the contrary, good breeding forces them outwardly to approve and to commend whatever is set before them.
The complement of this graceful self-respect, and that of all the points of good breeding I most require and insist upon, is deference.
"He is just what a young man ought to be," said she, "sensible, good-humoured, lively; and I never saw such happy manners!-- so much ease, with such perfect good breeding!"
Continual engagements at home and abroad, however, supplied all the deficiencies of nature and education; supported the good spirits of Sir John, and gave exercise to the good breeding of his wife.
It was as though he assumed a high degree of importance in himself that could not be disputed, because he had long nails and a stylish cap, and everything else to correspond; but this could be forgiven for the sake of his good nature and good breeding. Levin liked him for his good education, for speaking French and English with such an excellent accent, and for being a man of his world.
I am told that in a German concert or opera, they hardly ever encore a song; that though they may be dying to hear it again, their good breeding usually preserves them against requiring the repetition.
"Ay," said Sancho; "it must be that some of your worship's shrewdness sticks to me; land that, of itself, is barren and dry, will come to yield good fruit if you dung it and till it; what I mean is that your worship's conversation has been the dung that has fallen on the barren soil of my dry wit, and the time I have been in your service and society has been the tillage; and with the help of this I hope to yield fruit in abundance that will not fall away or slide from those paths of good breeding that your worship has made in my parched understanding."
But after a short time, becoming familiar with its charming aspect, and jealous of the folds which encircled its form, they sought to pierce the sacred veil of calico in which it was enshrined, and in the gratification of their curiosity so far overstepped the limits of good breeding, as deeply to offend the lady's sense of decorum.
George Tordoff, Senior Conservation Officer for Butterfly Conservation Wales, said: "We think this resurgence is down to a combination of the warm summer in 2018 resulting in a good breeding season, followed by a good spring this year, which has created favourable conditions for the narrowbordered bee hawk-moth.
It's a really good breeding ground for a professional career and there's a young lad from my home club Ashton, Luke Kelly, who is 19 and has just turned pro.
Tax levies and facilitation of key infrastructure is key to promoting business hence a good breeding zone to SMEs and also the jua kali sector.
'It will be another investment for SEDC because of its accessibility to good feeding grounds for its cattle herds all year round and provide good breeding station for water buffaloes that SEDC exports to Limbang for domestication,' he said at a media conference here today.