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1.(Anat.) One of the two prominences at the posterior extremity of the frog of the horse's foot.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Orual has no hope for herself, and little enough for Glome. And we know by the fourth word of The Last Battle that we have come to "the last days of Narnia" (Last 3).
"Masking the Misogynist in Narnia and Glome." 149-64 in Bloom.
1-2) We interpret the Belgrade Charter's concerns for 'the improvement of the quality of the environment and of life for all the world's people' (our emphasis), as converging with Nancy's (2007) concerns about how the world, via globalisation, has been transformed into a glome or glomus.
In the kingdom of Glome, Ungit is worshiped as a fertility goddess responsible for the growth of crops and the begetting of children, but her son is more mysterious.
interpretation and saying that all of Glome "would say the
Yet did paleness, gryse and glome,* *greyness and gloom
Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan Gangaridia Hans von Grimmelshausen Glome H.
Orual and Psyche are realistic, but distant figures in the pre-Christian Hellenistic land of Glome. Lewis gives flesh and blood to the well-known myth, but there is little to suggest that Orual's bearing of Psyche's anguish is something that the reader should seek to emulate on a personal level.
Hilder invites us to see that the setting in Glome, an invented country on the hinterlands of pagan Greece and "a familiar portrait of old-world sexist patriarchy" (101) realistically portrayed, is one toward which Lewis takes "a critical rather than complicit stance" (102).
Set in a pre-Christian culture, the novel is narrated by the central character, Orual, Queen of the land of Glome. It starts out as an accusation of the gods for all that they have inflicted upon her.