Gate channel

Related to Gate channel: Sluice gate
See Gate, 5.

See also: Gate

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Kitchens at Richmond Gate channel Italian design, combining spacious layouts with clever storage solutions and a choice of colour combinations so buyers can put their own stamp on their home.
THE NINTH GATE Channel 5, 9pm A book dealer is hired by a wealthy collector to locate the two remaining copies of 17th-century work The Nine Gates to the Kingdom of Shadows.
These included swimming from Alcatraz to San Francisco''s Fisherman''s Wharf wearing handcuffs and swimming the Golden Gate Channel while towing a 2,500-pound cabin cruiser.
The field encourages or chokes off current in a narrow strip, called the gate channel, that spans the device's so-called source and drain regions.
Shrinking the transistor primarily entails shortening its gate channel, which means that charged particles have a shorter path to follow between the device's source and drain.
Strain makes CMOS transistors work better by enabling electrical charges, such as electrons, to pass more easily through the silicon lattice of the gate channel. When the silicon-crystal lattice is undistorted, it offers obstacles to an electron the way a wrinkled bedsheet impedes a rolling marble, Meyerson suggests.
When deposited on top of the gate channel, the material created tensile stress in the underlying silicon, thereby speeding up electron mobility there.
Instead of adding a compressed layer above or below the gate channel to directly induce compression in the channel itself, Ghani and his colleagues replaced the silicon in the source and drain with silicon-germanium.
This allowed him to model only 40 microns of chip in the x direction including half of a drain, one gate channel, and half of a source.
These included: concentrated nodal heat inputs along lines on each side of the gate channel; internal element heat generation in the top layer of gallium arsenide elements between the source and drain; distributed heat flux on the top surface of gallium arsenide elements between the source and drain.