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a.1.(Her.) Having the ends forked or branched, and the ends of the branches terminating abruptly as if cut off; - said of an ordinary, especially of a cross.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Low Y, Sedykh A, Fourches D, Golbraikh A, Whelan M, Rusyn I, et al.
Puisque on la traqua entre deux fourches caudines.D'une part, l'appel en juin 1966, sous les couleurs (service militaire obligatoire) pour 18 mois, en commencant, des fevrier 1967, par les dirigeants du mouvement estudiantin, c'est-a-dire tous les membres du bureau national de l'UNEM qui, le 24 janvier 2019 nous rappellera qu'elle avait ete interdite il y a 45 ans, le 24 janvier 1973.
Next, Kleinstreuer introduced the Integrative Chemical-Biological Read-Across (CBRA), which is an open source tool available for read-across that was developed by the Fourches Laboratory at North Carolina Chapel Hill.
Fourches et al., "A fast monolithic active pixel sensor with pixel-level reset noise suppression and binary outputs for charged particle detection," IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol.
Sans la politique avisee et la vision prospective du president Abdelaziz Bouteflika, l'Algerie serait endettee et sous les fourches Caudines du FMI.
(70) This Adam has not yet been identified, but may be the "Adam de Fourches of Cropthorn" listed in the register of William Gainsborough, bishop of Worcester.
Seulement [...] je desire qu'on conserve intactes les phrases qui seront jugees innocentes, et qu'on n'introduise pas parmi elles d'autres phrases, des inconnues que je refuse a l'avance, si fieres, si nobles, si parees qu'elles soient" (Mitterand 1:571-72) As the Goncourt brothers concluded with regard to the editor Francois Buloz, who was infamous for his editorial interventionism, "Singulieres et honteuses choses, que ces fourches caudines du style, subies au xixe siecle par les plus grands, les plus fameux, les plus considerables, Remusat comme Cousin!
According to the newspaper, this approach "acquires even higher importance since the region under study hosts three wetlands of international importance classified as RAMSAR Sites, namely the lagoon of Nador (Mar Chica), the Cap des Trois Fourches and the estuary of the River mouth of Moulouya." The Project fulfilled its objectives and identified the emergency interventions needed on the part of decision makers, the civil society and the population to improve their adaptive capacity to potential climate change impacts, it added.