Fountain of Youth

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Foun′tain of Youth′

a fabled spring whose waters were supposed to restore health and youth, sought in the Bahamas and Florida by Ponce de León and others.
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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Fountain of Youth - a fountain described in folk tales as able to make people young again; "Ponce de Leon discovered Florida while searching for the Fountain of Youth"
natural spring, outpouring, fountain, spring, outflow - a natural flow of ground water
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References in classic literature ?
"You are one of the fortunate mortals who have found and drunk from the Fountain of Youth,--you and Mother Lavendar.
It smell so like the waters of Lethe, and of that fountain of youth that the Conquistadores sought for in the Floridas, and find him all too late."
But there is a down side to the "fountain of youth".
"Women continue to search for the fountain of youth, and the anti-aging sector has expanded significantly to cater to this need,"said Kat Fay of Mintel.
Janet Adams of Wilshaw A leads Division One, Clive Standen of Scissett WMC A leads Division Two and Kingsmith Fountain Of Youth stalwart Geoff Heywood has claimed the Division Three award.
With opposition limited, Fountain Of Youth should land this prize comfortably and earn more valuable experience before heading for Royal Ascot.
The shooting of fourth film has started in Hawaii on the 2-billion-pound franchise, which sees Johnny Depp's Captain Jack Sparrow in search of the Fountain of Youth.
April 10: New York chapter, Spring Seminar with a presentation on The Fountain of Youth? How Technology Has Changed the Way We Age.
The time travel film about the search for the fountain of youth was directed by her fiance Darren Aronofsky.
These changes result in the activation of the gene for telomerase, turning on this molecular fountain of youth in most, if not all, types of tumors.

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