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(Biography) George. Real name George Booth. 1904–61, British comedian. He made many musical films in the 1930s, accompanying his songs on the ukulele
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However, Formby suffered a heart attack while dining with Pat at her Penwortham, Preston, Lancashire home, and was admitted to St Joseph's Hospital, Preston.
Now, George Formby has collectors hot under the collar again - as one of his ukuleles could sell for PS70,000 at a Midland auction.
THE life of music hall star George Formby will be told on stage in Cardiff next month.
FORMBY HALL golf manager Mark Williams has given club members and indeed watching Southport golf fans an insight into the success of the club's young start Tommy Fleetwood.
THREE of George Formby's banjos - one later owned by George Harrison - are expected to fetch around EUR125, 000 at auction.
A post on National Trust Formby's Facebook page said: "This illustrates just how long plastic hangs around."
In truth, it's one of many ukeles used by Formby during his career.
GATESHEAD HC's men's first XI lost 6-2 to Formby in the North Hockey League.
THE elite golf squad of both England and Scotland have been to Formby Hall to take advantage of its superb golf facilities - another boost to the golf resort and indeed to the Southport coast's reputation as England's Golf Capital.
A SINGER at a Scots folk music club has been branded racist - for performing George Formby songs.
The 2010 winner spent time at the Golf Foundation's National StreetGolf Championship Final, which was held at Formby Hall.
Biographer Sue Smart, who is originally from Durham, said in her biography It Turned Out Nice Again that the young Formby did not achieve instant success following unfavourable comparisons with his father, also George, who had been an established star in his own right until his death at the early age of 45.