Flo Ziegfeld

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Related to Flo Ziegfeld: Ziegfeld Follies
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Noun1.Flo Ziegfeld - United States theatrical producer noted for a series of extravagant revues known as the Ziegfeld Follies (1869-1932)
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References in periodicals archive ?
"When the Curtain Comes Down," a video from the "Glad Rag Doll" album, played on the Hanover's big screen and brought the audience of more than 1,700 Krall buffs back to the roaring '20s, when the jazz was hot, vaudeville was king, and the flappers in Flo Ziegfeld's Follies danced The Charleston while sipping bathtub gin.
Sophie Tucker (1884-1966) was a show business success who worked for Flo Ziegfeld (briefly) and later in vaudeville as well as movies.
Keeping the threat of physical violence low but nonetheless perceptible, he flirts playfully with Jake while establishing who's boss, and at the same time auditions a lesbian sister act as if he were Flo Ziegfeld.