Fast Patrol Craft

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Fast Patrol Craft

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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They will use fast patrol craft to try to attack ships as they are moored or leave the Clyde in a stark reminder of the bombing of the USS Cole.
The fast patrol craft or "Swift Boat" he was aboard hit a mine and Rassmann was thrown into the water.
One mortar/machine gun combination was mounted on various coastal patrol and riverine craft, including fast patrol craft or "Swift boats," Point-class Coast Guard cutters, river monitors (modified LCM-6 landing craft, mechanized), assault support patrol boats, Osprey-class fast patrol torpedo boats, and Asheville-class patrol gunboats.
The Sk]old fast patrol craft and the HSV Joint Venture were tested for suitability for applications including mine warfare, expeditionary warfare, and command and control ([C.sup.2]).
`We can't wear skirts on board, not with all those ladders to climb,' says Lieutenant Sue Moore, who at 31 is the only woman in the Royal Navy in command of a vessel - a 20-metre fast patrol craft, HMS Dasher, which is used for coastal protection, NATO exercises and training.