European country

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Noun1.European country - any one of the countries occupying the European continentEuropean country - any one of the countries occupying the European continent
country, land, state - the territory occupied by a nation; "he returned to the land of his birth"; "he visited several European countries"
Scandinavian country, Scandinavian nation - any one of the countries occupying Scandinavia
Balkan country, Balkan nation, Balkan state - any one of the countries on the Balkan Peninsula
Europe - the 2nd smallest continent (actually a vast peninsula of Eurasia); the British use `Europe' to refer to all of the continent except the British Isles
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References in classic literature ?
"We were all fond of Dicky, and such a thing has never happened, so far as I am aware, in any European country. My own private secretary murdered in broad daylight and with apparent impunity!"
Harvey continued, "that such a thing had never happened, so far as I was aware, in any European country. My own words seem to suggest something to me.
On the whole, then, Anglo-Saxon poetry exhibits the limitations of a culturally early age, but it manifests also a degree of power which gives to Anglo-Saxon literature unquestionable superiority over that of any other European country of the same period.
But the East European country in question refused to allow her entry, saying that the passport is forged.
Following investigations police found out that the passport was reported stolen in another European country.
"Iran and the European country will sign the deal for export of Iran's gas to that country before the end of 2013, hence paving the way for export of Iran's gas to Europe for the first time," he added.
In which European country did Prince Hans-Adam II become head of state in 1989?
Sudani was quoted by PressTV as saying, "Some European countries have openly dissociated themselves from the economic war front and Iran will continue its oil transactions." The only European country to public dissociate itself from EU sanctions is Switzerland, which does not buy Iranian crude.

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