Eton crop

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Eton crop

(Hairdressing & Grooming) a short mannish hairstyle worn by women in the 1920s
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

Eton crop

[ˈiːtnˈkrɒp] Ncorte m a lo garçon
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
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"It probably goes back to the Eton Crop which is a man's haircut made famous by women or even if you think about the Page Boy.
If that was an indication of the eternal power of Peel this was reinforced by Green Room headliners, Eton Crop. When Steve tentatively emailed Erwin Blom regarding the gig, the vocalist replied that Eton Crop were no more but would reform and travel especially from Netherlands to play and what a show they put on.
Which decade was associated with the women's short haircut the 'Eton Crop'?
"She was the first woman in Huddersfield to have her hair cut in an Eton crop."
It is 1926, the year of the Tango and the Charleston, beach pyjamas and the brilliantined Eton crop. At the Villa Caprice, the famous French Riviera finishing school, Mme Dubonnet is busy creating perfect young ladies from mad cap English teenage beauties.
The young woman's emancipated status is signaled not only by her lack of escort but by her packet of Camels, cigarette holder, bucket of champagne, Eton crop, elegant black gown, and her direct, if somewhat hooded, gaze, seductive yet forceful, at the spectator.
Others followed the extreme Eton crop, a style in which hair was exceptionally closely-cropped and dressed like that of a man."(23) Unlike the Eton collar and jacket, with direct links to the uniform of the prestigious boys' public school, the "Eton" in Eton crop evidently connoted boyishness rather than the institution.
She wears her Titian hair in a close Eton crop, and looks the strong silent woman to the life.
Ms Rigg's Cathy Gale-hennaed Eton crop should go immediately and long hair should replace it.
Twiggy - 1966 In 1966 stylist Leonard Lewis took eight hours to cut young Lesley Hornby's hair into a gamine Eton crop - and Twiggy was born.
She should copy Treasury Minister Dawn Primarolo's wind-proof Eton crop.
This bunch of Eton crops, bashing their silver spoons in government circles, have no idea what this extension of working years is doing to those valiant workers who are the backbone of this once great country.