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(ˈɛθəlˌwʊlf) or


(Biography) died 858 ad, king of Wessex (839–858)
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The request was granted, and Burgred's Mercian troops, along with Ethelwulf and his Wessex army, took on the Welsh rebels.
Alfred was born in 849 A.D., in the village of Wantage (now in the county of Oxfordshire), the fifth son of King Ethelwulf and his Queen, Osburga.
Such is the constant backstory to the life and eventual reign of Alfred (born AD 849) fifth and youngest son of Ethelwulf King of Wessex when England was comprised of several Anglo-Saxon nations.
in a royal Saxon residence near the modern town of Wantage in Oxfordshire, the youngest of five surviving children of remarkably pious parents, King Ethelwulf and his Jutish Queen, Osburh.