

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
Sir Patrick declined, either by word or g esture, to exhibit the slightest anxiety to hear a word more.
esture of Mayor Burahan and his constituents in voluntarily giving up their war materiel is a good example to all government officials and the Tausogs as a whole who are bearing arms illegally," Sobejana said.He said the surrender was a result of the relentless campaign of the JTFS against illegal possession of firearms.
The president of the Jewish community in Rome greeted visiting Pope Benedic= t XVI with sharp words Sunday, criticizing Pope Pius XII for inaction durin= g the Holocaust, saying that his =93silence still hurts as an undelivered g= esture.=94 The harsh remarks by the Jewish leader, Riccardo Pacifici, were = made at the start of the pontiff=92s historic visit to the city=92s main sy= nagogue.
Christine Green, aged 46, said: "That's a really nice g esture."
Although she is no longer associated with her husband' scharity, following difficult and sensitive disagreements about policy and personnel matters, it will be seen by many as a warmg esture.
Young suggests that Hymns on the Great Festivals may have been Lampe's "g esture of appreciation for the friendship and support of John and Charles Wesley and other Methodists whom Mrs.
One official called it "the first good news from Washington in months." A week later, after accepting the invitation, Saddam complied fully with Bush's third demand, announcing that he would release all the hostages "to respond to these good, positive changes." In traditional Arab fashion he was making a reciprocal esture of good will.