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Noun1.Dusanbe - the capital of Tajikistan; formerly Stalinabad 1926-1991
Republic of Tajikistan, Tadjik, Tadzhikistan, Tajikistan, Tajik, Tadzhik - a landlocked mountainous republic in southeast central Asia to the north of Afghanistan; formerly an Asian soviet
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References in periodicals archive ?
In a press statement before leaving Tajikistan's capital Dusanbe, Erdogan said, "Turkey will not remain silent if the Syrian regime continues to attack observation points in Idlib," before leaving to attend the 5th Summit of Heads of State of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA).
There is the national government in exile (nobody knows exactly whether it is stationed -- in Teheran, Faisalabad or Dusanbe?) representing the deposed `Islamic State of Afghanistan', which occupies Afghanistan's seat at the United Nations and fills most Afghan missions overseas.