Down tree

(Bot.) a tree of Central America (Ochroma Lagopus), the seeds of which are enveloped in vegetable wool.

See also: Down

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
What did the Man do but fix it into the axe head, and soon set to work cutting down tree after tree.
He had heard much of the sagacity of the beaver in cutting down trees, in which, it is said, they manage to make them fall into the water, and in such a position and direction as may be most favorable for conveyance to the desired point.
So he left them, and took his wife and three children, and they journeyed on until they found a spot near to a clear stream, where they began to cut down trees, and to make ready their wigwam.
All hands now set to work cutting down trees, clearing away thickets, and marking out the place for the residence, storehouse, and powder magazine, which were to be built of logs and covered with bark.
They had scarcely cut down trees enough to make room for their own dwellings before they began to think of establishing a college.
"I was born the son of a woodman who chopped down trees in the forest and sold the wood for a living.
I thought the other day on that mountain how I'd have liked to be one of those colonists, to cut down trees and make laws and all that, instead of fooling about with all these people who think one's just a pretty young lady.
I appointed a strong detail to cut down trees with ice-axes and trim them for piers to support the bridge.
I was in a state of ferocious virtue, however, as to young men who were not cutting down trees in the forest of difficulty; and my impression must be received with due allowance.
A certain amount of that precipitation flows down tree trunks.