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Variant of Dukhobor.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈduːkəʊˌbɔː) or


(Christian Churches, other) a member of a Russian sect of Christians that originated in the 18th century. In the late 19th century a large minority emigrated to W Canada, where most Doukhobors now live
[from Russian dukhoborcy spirit wrestler, from dukh spirit + borcy wrestler]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


or Du•kho•bor

(ˈdu koʊˌbɔr)

a member of a religious sect originating in Russia in the 18th century, believing in the supreme authority of the inner voice, rejecting the establishment of churches, and opposing civil authority.
[1875–80; < Russian dukhobór, dukhobórets, Old Russian dukhoborĭtsĭ literally, one who fights against the Holy Ghost (compare Russian dukh spirit, boréts wrestler)]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Surely our Jewish, Muslim, Catholic and Doukhobor brothers and sisters are offended--if they only knew.
Presumably, if a member of a recognized faith that sanctioned nudity--a Doukhobor, for example--were to insist on the right to swear the citizenship oath while standing naked, Canada's courts would have to reconcile the claim of free religious expression with an 80-year-old federal law that criminalizes public nudity.
Discover the story of B.C's earliest immigrant communities at the Doukhobor Discovery Centre in Castlegar, sip fresh glacier beer at the Columbia Brewing Co.
This article traces the history of Doukhobor settlements in the state of Oregon.
4; and William Janzen, Limits on Liberty: the Experience of Mennonite, Hutterite, and Doukhobor Communities in Canada (Toronto: Toronto University Press, 1990), chap.
The topics include tracing emotions in Russian vowels, bi-nominative sentences in Russian, the effect of grammatical gender in Russian spoken-word recognition, the interlanguage system of low-proficiency heritage Russian speakers as a basis for fast language (re)building, cultural identities among Russian-speaking immigrants of the third and fourth wave and their effects on language attitudes, and effects of language development and structure of Canadian Doukhobor internal and external migrations.
De fait, jusqu'aux annees 1990, la pluralite religieuse des societes occidentales, les regimes de relation entre Etat et Eglise et les protections historiques accordees a des minorites religieuses (amish, mennonite, judaique, catholique, protestante, Temoins de Jehovah, doukhobor et hutterite) ne font pas partie des debats et de l'horizon de la gestion de la diversite culturelle des societes civiles.
The focal point of the redevelopment is the expanded residential care home and the new entrance to the hospital, a two-story brick structure that resembles a traditional Doukhobor house.
For example, the Glenbow Museum, Calgary; Alberta, has sent a large Doukhobor rug with images of camels, moose, and peacocks, and an early-20th-century beaded, multicoloured, floral-design Plains Cree pad saddle.
She is the author of Negotiated Memory: Doukhobor Autobiographical Discourse (University of British Columbia Press 2004) and the editor of Auto/biography in Canada (Wilfrid Laurier UP 2005), with Andrew Gow the co-editor of Mountain Masculinity: the Life and Writings of Nello "Tex" Vernon-Wood (Athabasca up 2008) and with Jeremy Popkin the co-editor of a forthcoming collection of essays by Philippe Lejeune, On Diary (University of Hawaii Press 2009).