

n.1.One who works by the day; - usually applied to a farm laborer, or to a workman who does not work at any particular trade.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
In my day, in my own country, this money was collected from imposts, and the citizen imagined that the foreign importer paid it, and it made him comfortable to think so; whereas, in fact, it was paid by the American people, and was so equally and exactly distributed among them that the annual cost to the 100-millionaire and the annual cost to the sucking child of the day-laborer was pre- cisely the same -- each paid $6.
For myself I found that the occupation of a day-laborer was the most independent of any, especially as it required only thirty or forty days in a year to support one.
The day-laborer is reckoned as standing at the foot of the social scale, yet he is saturated with the laws of the world.
Deane, and you may see grocers or day-laborers like him; but the keenness of his brown eyes was less common than his contour.
So, too, she says there need to be more government workers able to communicate with the largely Latino day-laborer work force.
(28.) Ron Howell, Day-Laborer Tensions Fuel Search For Remedy, NEWSDAY, Aug.
The grants were substantial; a family with a ninth-grade daughter received an amount equal to 44 percent of a typical day-laborer's wage.
The centers would be run by day-laborer board members, says Giloth, and are part of a long-term strategy to create a day-laborers' co- op to negotiate better wages and conditions.
There are also descriptions of some of the public officials and missionaries who work in San'ya, and we get a good look at the two San'ya day-laborer unions (one of which has since disappeared) and their strategies for defending San'ya's rapidly aging and weakening work force from exploitation by employers and gangsters.
Involvement is becoming increasingly important to organizations who find that people with the day-laborer mentality are extremely difficult to manage and motivate.
This is the guy who, as senator, wrote the day-laborer legislation that allowed illegals to cross the border to work the fields owned by Wilson's rich buddies.
Meanwhile, although the de Blasio Administration allocated over $60 million to institute free training for day-laborers, MWBEs and other unaffiliated workers at the City's Workforce 1 Centers, the course offerings have been slow to launch and only 1,800 workers have been trained since last July.