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adv.1.Like a dart; rapidly.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Unmindful of the tedious rope-ladders of the shrouds, the men, like shooting stars, slid to the deck, by the isolated back-stays and halyards; while Ahab, less dartingly, but still rapidly was dropped from his perch.
The longer essays on Leiris and Du Bouchet, dartingly insightful, textually sensitive, orchestrated in dense clusters of reflection, are supplemented by shorter subsequent analyses in Traces d'incertitude.
The writer and critic Jean-Marie Gleize has given us much to meditate upon in recent years: Leman (1990), A noir, poesie et litteralite (1992), Le principe de nudite integrale, manifestes (1995), and now his compactly, shrewdly penetrating study of the work of Anne-Marie Albiach, a study eminently worthy of the poetry it rightly honors and subtly and dartingly elucidates.