dark net

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Related to dark net: Deep Web, tor, Dark web, Dark internet

dark net

or dark·net (därk′nĕt′)
See dark web.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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The old sword-bearer's face, the worn-out and mournful face so covered with wrinkles that it seemed to look out through the meshes of a fine dark net, could be seen close above his shoulders.
I reminded them that we are already in one, where the Dark Net and Deep Dark Net indeed exist.
You don't need to hang around dodgy bars or surf the dark net to get a fix.
Reiners also highlighted the complexities of enforcing controls on the dark net, where traders can easily switch jurisdictions.
Yona Pressburger, from Nativei Reshet, said: "This sort of material was once mostly found on the dark net, now it's on WhatsApp."
He said that the assembly tackled issues on the new dimensions of crime that interplay with terrorism, drug trafficking, and other forms of transnational criminal activities through the "dark net and underground economy." The theme of the assembly was "Policing in the information age."
They also temporarily stopped debit cards of their customers for international cash withdrawal, they added, saying at least three Pakistani banks were pounced with yet another cyber attack after a gap of almost three weeks as data of over 150,000 plastic cards were put on sale on the dark net on November 13, sources said.
A hacking attempt was made by a foreign source affecting the banking system of Pakistan and resulting in a loss of personal information of several account holders and that information was then sold to hackers on the dark net. According to a statement by the statement by the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), almost all banks were affected in this breach and efforts were being made to make the transaction system safe in cooperation with the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP).
As the dark net is full of material of this sort and its authenticity is always difficult to establish, the FIA claimed that a meeting of SBP and all major banks had been called next week to devise a joint strategy to tackle the issue.