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(Italian ˈdandolo)
(Biography) Enrico.c. 1108–1205, Venetian statesman; doge (1192–1205). During the fourth Crusade he won Greek colonies for Venice
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References in classic literature ?
One of my friends--one of my friends, please to observe, not myself," said Athos, interrupting himself with a melancholy smile, "one of the counts of my province--that is to say, of Berry--noble as a Dandolo or a Montmorency, at twenty-five years of age fell in love with a girl of sixteen, beautiful as fancy can paint.
TOWCESTER: 1.00 Dandolo Du Gite, 1.35 Sheelbewhatsheelbe, 2.10 Our Reward, 2.40 The Sweeney, 3.15 Barley Hill, 3.50 Champagne At Tara, 4.25 Ask Dillon.
Toccaceli S, Persico Stella L, Diana M, Dandolo R, Negro P.
Dandolo, "The H19 gene: regulation and function of a non-coding RNA," Cytogenetic and Genome Research, vol.
Casi puede decirse entonces, mirando a traves, que la evidencia del sometimiento de muchas mujeres invisibiliza el machismo que existe, como si lo naturalizara, dandolo por lo que hay sin mas debido a una inapelable constitucion de la misma realidad.