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Related to Dail: sail, Dailymotion
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Noun1.Dail - the lower house of the parliament of the Irish RepublicDail - the lower house of the parliament of the Irish Republic
house - an official assembly having legislative powers; "a bicameral legislature has two houses"
Oireachtas - the parliament of the Irish Republic
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References in classic literature ?
The width of these sheets of stones varie from a few hundred feet to a mile; but the peaty soil dail encroaches on the borders, and even forms islets whereve a few fragments happen to lie close together.
Cork TD Tom Barry admitted he'd been drinking earlier in the Dail bar when he made a holy show of himself by pulling his Fine Gael colleague Aine Collins into his lap during a late-night abortion debate.
He had brought his case against the Dail Committee on Procedure and Privileges, the Dail and the State.
Wrth i olau'r haul bylu, mae'r dail yn rhoi gorau i wneud bwyd ac mae'r cloroffyl, y lliw gwyrdd, yn datgymalu i bethau sy'n ddi-liw.
Dail has almost 20 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry in Saudi Arabia.
Dail said they suspected that a large amount of diesel fuel, which was on the boat, contributed to the spread of the fire - the exact origin of which was still undetermined.
Dail was a biochemist, and after he became first a teacher and then associate director of the honors program, he was always just a little nostalgic for benchtop science, but he consoled himself by devising lectures like "The Fate of the Earth," "Dead Bees and Homosexual Flies," and "Human Rights and the Crunch to Come," earning him the title "Dr.
There is no modern precedent for a politician to seek election to both Westminster and the Dail, but as an all-Ireland party Sinn Fein already has elected politicians across the island.
We will all remember Dr Dail for the blue book--his compendium of pulmonary pathology, which served, and continues to serve, as the authoritative reference in the field.
Dail, 25, was jailed for five years and four months for his part in the murder attempt in June 2005.
Requests for parts, fuel, food, and other material necessary to support troops in the field, Dail explained, are forwarded to DLA's supply requisition and delivery system, which the agency monitors.