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n, adj
slang short for criminal
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This system, called the HIV/AIDS CRIMS, has been described elsewhere.[24] All confirmed cases of HIV infection require timely reporting to CRIMS, which is managed by the NCAIDS, China CDC.
Its Crim 10 Mile Road Race, started in 1977, has evolved into a nationally renowned festival of running events--benefiting state and local charities along the way.
Look out for Charles Bronson, Telly Savalas and Donald Sutherland as the cannon fodder crims.
The extraordinary thing about these (now) aging rockers is, despite an overindulgence in drugs, sex, rock 'n' roll, brushes with crims and the law, that so many survive to middle or even old age.
Catch lots of crims first, then judges, do your worst, make them pay, it will make our day!
You might think that they are there to catch the crims. But last week Tony Winsor, the Chief Inspector of Constabulary for England and Wales threw a spanner in the works and declared that the primary role of of-ficers was to prevent crime.
Two dreamy, penniless young crims, Frankie (Scoot McNairy) and Russell (Ben Mendelsohn) shoot up a backroom poker game run by Markie (Ray Liotta).
On bungling burglar @ziqi_uk: It's soft sentencing like this that makes crims think it's worth having another go and another and another.
And with the London Olympics attracting hundreds of thousands of tourists from around the world, it's hardly surprising that crims think Crimbo has come early.
She meets Zane, who introduces her to his gang, the Crims. Her new friends show her how to evade the grid and leave Uglyville.