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v. t.1.See Cozen.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
As a reference for the proposed index TQEn, COSEn was also obtained from the time series rr(n).
Investigators say Cosens and Sharrock were caught, thanks to social media.
Caption: Sergeant Aubrey Cosens, Queen's Own Rifles, was killed on February 26, 1945 at the hamlet of Mooshof after a gallant action for which he received a posthumous Victoria Cross.
As this biomass is produced in the form of bark, branches and cutting residues from forestry operations in the Gordon Cosens and Hearst forests, the available amount may be somewhat lower as various local mill closures may have resulted in less logging.
Laura Taylor and Heather Lancaster; Charlotte Anderson, Lee Elley and Kate Bujlen; Lee Cosens and Charlotte Rainey; Sadie Field, Charlotte Millar, Natasha Keye and Ellie Bennet; Faye McDonagh and Juli Preston; Kelly Whitworth and Clint Davies
Ron Pike, 69, whose mother-in-law Annie Cosens,97,is the oldest resident at Connolly House, says he is appalled at the way the residents have been treated.
Tembec has achieved Forest Stewardship Council certification of its management practices in the Gordon Cosens Forest of northeastern Ontario.
Camera (color), Steve Cosens; editor, Michael John Bateman; music, Peter Allen; art directors, Laura Killam, James P.
One summers in northern Hudson Bay and Foxe Basin and the other in Baffin Bay, Davis Strait, and the waters of the Canadian High Arctic (Reeves et al., 1983; Moore and Reeves, 1993; Cosens et al., 1998).
The UK had lost two million jobs in manufacturing in the past 30 years, said Cosens. In the 10 years from 1972 car output had fallen from 1.9 million a year to 0.9 million.
Included in the burials is Sergeant Aubrey Cosens of the Queen's Own Rifles of Canada.
Tembec's 200,000-acre timberland located in the central-southeast portion of the Gordon Cosens forest near Hearst is up for sale.