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(Biography) Dame Catherine. 1906-98, British novelist, known for her popular novels set in northeast England
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Here is Bill Jukes, every inch of him tattooed, the same Bill Jukes who got six dozen on the WALRUS from Flint before he would drop the bag of moidores [Portuguese gold pieces]; and Cookson, said to be Black Murphy's brother (but this was never proved), and Gentleman Starkey, once an usher in a public school and still dainty in his ways of killing; and Skylights (Morgan's Skylights); and the Irish bo'sun Smee, an oddly genial man who stabbed, so to speak, without offence, and was the only Non-conformist in Hook's crew; and Noodler, whose hands were fixed on backwards; and Robt.
SIDECAR racer Mike Cookson will be returning to the Isle of Man this for the 34th time this month - and has another very busy schedule ahead of him.
Dame Judi Dench and Sophie Cookson share the title role, investing respective incarnations of a morally conflicted heroine sharing data with the USSR during the Second World War.
The film flashes back to 1938, where Cambridge student Joan (Cookson) is befriended by glamorous German Jewish student Sonya (Tereza Srbova), who introduces her to her politically outspoken cousin, Leo (Tom Hughes).
A BBC1 drama about the Profumo affair is to star Sophie Cookson, James Norton and Emilia Fox, it was announced yesterday.
Current chief Brian Cookson, who was British Cycling president for 17 years p y before taking over, is up against Frenchman David Lappartient at the September ballot.
Amazon Publishing, the full-service publishing arm of Internet-based retailer Amazon, has acquired two new and unseen titles by the late Catherine Cookson, literary news company The Bookseller revealed on Thursday.
LANCE Armstrong has hit out at International Cycling Union president Brian Cookson for failing to take the tough approach on doping that he promised.
Cookson focuses on high schools because they are such formative institutions--indeed, Americans spend nearly 6,000 hours of their lives there.
Wellington, Oct 30 ( ANI ): The International Cycling Union has ordered an audit of its own anti-doping operations and discussed how to investigate the governing body's links to Lance Armstrong as newly elected president Brian Cookson chaired his first management committee.