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a.1.Relating to concubinage; living in concubinage.
n.1.One who lives in concubinage.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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(46) In France, "the cures who had fathered children used their sons to serve mass ..., and taught them the rudiments of reading, writing and Latin, hoping to be able to hand over their benefice or vicariate in due course." (47) Malta also had its share of concubinary clergy.
In the Netherlands Indies, it was this immoral state of affairs which pressed the need for tighter control and legislation over concubinary relations (which had created a host of social problems) as well as the formalization of mixed-marriage laws and laws pertaining to the mestizo.
But a great deal of the crimes or at least disappointments which made up the history of the past 200 years, and also the grief, which characterizes the end of this century, result from the concubinary of the two orders, that of knowledge and that of 'world'.