Coming in

Also found in: Idioms.
Entrance; entrance way; manner of entering; beginning.
Income or revenue.
- Ezek. xliii. 11

See also: Coming, Coming

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
On average, our marketing people were spending around 15-20 minutes with each customer that means customers are not just coming in and walking off but in fact are serious buyers," said Vinay Kumar, head of international marketing at Sobha.
There's a massive turnover of players with 14 new faces coming in and 19 players having been released.
Coming in with rich operational and staff experience over a career spanning more than three decades, Lanba has served as Navigating Officer of corvette INS Sindhudurg and frigate INS Dunagiri.