Clothing Accessories

Clothing Accessories



  1. Boots that shone like a well-rubbed table —Stephen Vincent Benet
  2. A collar that looked like a pancake flapping around my head and … made me look like a pregnant penguin —Elizabeth Taylor
  3. Glasses as thick as the bottom of a pop bottle —George Garrett
  4. Handkerchief hoisted like a brave little flag from his breast pocket —Vicki Baum
  5. Hat big as an Easter cake —Joyce Cary
  6. A hat … perched right on top of her head, like a mushroom —Roald Dahl
  7. Impenetrably black sunglasses like Batman’s mask —John Rechy
  8. Shoes gleaming like beer bottles —Loren D. Estleman
  9. Shoes … shined up like patent leather —George Garrett
  10. Shoes sticking out like tongues beneath the long black robe —Helen Hudson
  11. Silk, like wrinkled skins on scalded milk —Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
  12. Socks which fell like a couple of woolen concertinas over his dusty shoes —John Mortimer
  13. Straw hat with a bow on it like the sails of a windmill —L. P. Hartley
  14. A ten-gallon hat like a walking mushroom —Truman Capote
  15. Tie … loose and awry like a long lazy tongue … wore a costume as distinctive as a ballet dancer’s tutu —Van Wyck Mason
  16. Ties pulled loose from their collars, like weary gamblers —Graham Swift
Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The "Clothing And Clothing Accessories Stores Global Market Report 2019" report has been added to's offering.
Global Clothing And Clothing Accessories Stores Market Report 2019 provides the strategists, marketers and senior management with the critical information they need to assess the global clothing and clothing accessories stores market.
Where is the largest and fastest growing market for the clothing and clothing accessories stores?
The clothing and clothing accessories stores market consists of sales of clothing and clothing accessories by entities (organizations, sole traders and partnerships) that sell clothing and clothing accessories to ultimate users from fixed locations.
Asia Pacific was the largest region in the global clothing and clothing accessories stores market, accounting for 31% of the market in 2018.
Global Clothing And Clothing Accessories Stores Market, 2018, By Region, Value ($ Billion)
Global Clothing And Clothing Accessories Stores Market, 2014 - 2022, Historic And Forecast, By Region
Global Clothing And Clothing Accessories Stores Market, Growth And Market Share Comparison, By Region
Global Clothing And Clothing Accessories Stores Market, Segmentation By Type, 2014 - 2022, Value ($ Billion)
Clothing And Clothing Accessories Stores Market Size, Percentage Of GDP, 2014 - 2022, Global