Christian IV

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Christian IV

(ˈkrɪstʃən; Danish ˈkresdjan)
(Biography) 1577–1648, king of Denmark and Norway (1588–1648): defeated in the Thirty Years' War (1629) and by Sweden (1645)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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In 1606, for example, James I entertained his brother-in-law Christian IV of Denmark with a masque based around the theme of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.
So cool Kristiansand was named after its founder King Christian IV in 1641 as well as the sandy headland the city was built on.
Such is the esteem with which the mighty Magellan is held in this city, we were inducted into the Christian IV's Guild in Duus' Wine-cellar in town and handed a key to the back door to keep for ever.
We also took in Rosenborg Castle, built in the early 17th century by King Christian IV and home to some of Denmark's cultural treasures including the crown jewels.
The 44-year-old from Swansea is in the running to play the "devious and promiscuous" wife of Danish King Christian IV in a movie adaptation of Rose Tremain's award-winning novel Music And Silence.
Founded by King Christian IV in the 17th Century, it boasts some of Norway's finest beaches.
Twenty-five contributions begin with discussion of reframing, including the European perspective, the Danish perspective, and the question, "Do we still need a Renaissance?" Following are papers on Lutheran rhetorics, catalysts to change, and rex triumphans--the unsurpassed paradigm of Christian IV. A small number of the papers are in Dutch.
A Danish scholar from the University of Strasbourg has proposed that Brahe was poisoned with mercury on the orders of Christian IV, the King of Denmark, because the astronomer had an affair with his mother.
According to scholars, Brahe was poisoned with mercury on the orders of Christian IV, the King of Denmark, because the astronomer had an affair with his mother.
In this magical realist novel set in 17th-century Denmark, English lutenist Peter Claire finds himself an unwitting pawn in royal court intrigues when he joins King Christian IV's personal orchestra.

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