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(ˈtʃəʊməʊˌlɑːŋmə) or


(Placename) a Chinese name for (Mount) Everest
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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It's called "Chomolungma" in Tibet, or Holy Mother.
Previously it had been referred to as Peak XV, although for centuries the locals had called it Chomolungma. Photographs and artefacts including equipment used are on show at the exhibition, which is open daily until June 2 from 11am to 5pm - admission free.
After planting the Union Jack, and the flags of Nepal and the United Nations, the sherpa, a devout Buddhist, laid on the ground an offering of sweets, chocolate and packets of biscuits for the spirit of the mountain, Chomolungma, Holy Mother or Mother of Earth.
Though I personally prefer the Tibetan name Chomolungma that means Mother Goddess of the Earth, or even the Nepali Sagarmatha which translates roughly to the same thing.
While Davis offers an unprecedentedly detailed account of the Tibetan perception of the strange European intruders who marched in to conquer Chomolungma (aka Everest), he simultaneously insists on the universal importance of (Western) European experiences in World War I.
Muchos pueblos de la Tierra (los penan en las selvas tropicales de Borneo, los practicantes de vudu en Haiti, los caravaneros de las arenas del Sahara o los pastores de yaks en las laderas del Chomolungma) nos ensenan que existen otras formas de ser, de pensar y de orientarse en el universo.
It's name in Nepal is Sagarmatha (goddess of the sky) and Chomolungma (mother goddess of the universe) In Tibet.
Long before he arrived, the Nepalese knew the mountain as Saggermatha (or Chomolungma in another version) and more important, still do.
Climbers, who prefer the southeastern route through Nepal that was taken by Sir Edmund Hillary, less travel the Tibetan side of Everest, or Mount Chomolungma in Tibetan.(ANI)