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adv.1.At great cost; expensively.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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(22) See Taylor's Feast: Contayning Twenty-seaven Dishes of meate (London, 1638; Stc 23798), B1v-B3r, and Wit and Mirth, Chargeably collected out of Tavernes, Ordinaries, Innes, Bowling Greenes, and Allyes, Alehouses, Tobacco shops, Highwayes, and Water-passages (London, 1629; Stc 23814), B1v, B7v, for these specific allusions.
All those children (for whose maintenance his industry provided, and for whose education you were so carefully and so chargeably diligent) he hath now taken from you.
circular, triangular, quadrangular, orbicular, oval, and every way curiously and chargeably conceited: there he hath made walks, hedges and arbours...